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• Is KanixStudios open for commissions?
- Please contact us to find out if there's an available slot


• How much does the KanixStudios fursuits cost?
- You can check the starting prices, to get the fixed price, you need to send a Quote form .


• Does KanixStudios takes Artistic Liberty commissions?

- Yes, we do! You need to fill a different form for AL commissions, Click HERE to fill the form 


• What is a Artistic Liberty commission?

- On regular commissions, we will make a fursuit of your character based on the reference sheet, on an Artistic Liberty commission, we will create the character design for you based on descriptions that you will provide, you can choose ererything about the design (including colors, gender, species, details, etc) and we will create based on all the description, you can aprove the design before we start the production or keep as a secret/surprise


• What payment methods do you take?

- Full payment

- Partial payment (50% to start, then the other 50% after the fursuit is finished)

- Reserve a slot (20% of the payment)

- Non-Monetary reserve (Different from the monetary reserve (20%), your name will not be added to the queue, you'll be on a private reserve list and your fursuit will only be added to the queue once the first payment is done!)

- Payment plan: You need to contact us about your payment plan offer, we will try to work on what is better for you!


• Do you make murrsuits and nsfw stuff? 
- We can make hidden zippers, but nothing aesthetically nsfw, you must be +18 for that, no exceptions! Don't worry, we will protect your privacy.


• Do you make moving jaws?
- Yes! We have some bases who are able to have a working moving jaw. The feature is not available for all the base designs


• How do i commission a fursuit?
- You can find the steps on the How to Order tab


• I want a full fursuit, do i need to make a DTD (Ducktape dummy)?
- We always encourage to send a DTD, since it will guarantee a 100% accuracy, but working with measurements is also available!


• I want to commission, how long it will take to be finished?
- Our production time is fast, taking 2 to 5 months


• Can I make a fursuit from a fursona/character I found on the internet?
- No! Fursonas and Ocs are personal and making a character that doesn't belong to you will cause problems for us and for you, as the real owner will not be happy at all, if discovered that the character is stolen, the commission will be canceled immediately


• Do you make cosplay characters?

- Yes! Cosplays are allowed


• I want a fursuit, but not now, may I know the price anyway?
- We are always open for quotes, but we highly recommend that you check the starting prices instead of sending a quote form, and then, send your from once you are ready to commission someone


• I have no money, can you make a fursuit for free?
- No, the materials are expensive and the production is very laborious.


• Can you make the fursuit cheaper for me?
- No, sometimes the prices have special discounts, but other than that, we don't do it cheaper, as the production cost is high

© 2024 KanixStudios

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